Distributor Buku Tirta Buana Media Menyediakan Buku-buku Buku Bahasa dan Sastra seperti Belajar Berbicara Multibahasa Untuk Santri Pesantren dan sebagainya

Menampilkan semua 3 hasil

Bahasa; Cermin Cara Berpikir dan Bernalar

Buku Bahasa; Cermin Cara Berpikir dan Bernalar Bahasa; Cermin Cara Berpikir dan Bernalar adalah buku yang ditulis atau disusun oleh

Language Learning Strategy Questionnaire (LLSQ); A Measurement to Identify Students’ Learning Strategies and Prepare the Success of Learning English in the Indonesian Context (Empirical Evidence)

Buku Language Learning Strategy Questionnaire (LLSQ); A Measurement to Identify Students’ Learning Strategies and Prepare the Success of Learning English

Refining Sentence Writing Skills for Professional and Academic Purposes; A Practical Application of Modern Rhetoric

The content of this book, by nature, is a blending of traditional thought and contemporary awareness-in rhetoric, linguistics, and other